Friday, March 28, 2008

February - Results

And the totals are:

AdSense: $1.64
Cafepress: $22.50
Amazon: $0
mTurk: $.50
Squidoo: $3.00
Hubpages: $0
CJ: $0

Total: $27.64

It was better than January, but only because of some sales on Cafepress. I think it helped that some of my items were related to February holidays.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Check is in the Mail!

Here's an update on the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 "refund check" from Single Guy Money. It looks like they have a schedule out now for when you should receive the payment. We'll see what kind of effect it has, if any.

It will help me double my goal of $300 in 30 days... that $600 check will be nice, and I suppose I could take May and June off! :) Or I could stick with my plan, and reduce my debt by double those two months. I think I'll stick with the plan!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

January - Results

In the month of January:

AdSense: $1.50
Cafepress: $0
Amazon: $0
mTurk: $.50
Squidoo: $2.50
Hubpages: $0
CJ: $0

Total: $4.50

So I decided to round the numbers a bit... since there really isn't much of anything to show for the month.

Plan for April

So the new plan is to try again with the 30 day challenge in April, and for the remainder of March I will be working out a daily schedule to accomplish that goal in April. March has turned out to be a pretty good month so far, and because of a contest I won on one of the sites I use, I will be well over $100. I'll also try and get an update put together for January and February results. It's been a busy past few weeks!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Debt Support Group

Part of the reason for attempting to make $300 in 30 days is to reduce my debt. I have recently been reading several blogs and forums on better ways to plan and implement a strategy for reducing debt. One site that seems interesting is a Debt Support Group on iVillage.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Month 3 - Day 2

I made a few cents early today on MTurk - it isn't the highest paying site, but I do enjoy the break it gives me for 3-4 minutes as I make my $0.30! :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Month 3 - Day 1

A return to AdWords:

My latest efforts with
have involved using AdWords again, but I'm not sure it's going to work out as planned. I have had a few sales of my "I Read, Do you?" t-shirts, and I thought I might try to do some placement ads , but it doesn't seem to be working out. Maybe I need to read up a bit more on AdWords - it's been about a year since I last used it!

Month 3

My third attempt at this... my first two tries weren't all that successful. Most of my problem in February came from a relocation and trouble with the internet at my new apartment. That kept me down for about a week, but I also didn't put in the effort needed the other three weeks to make up the difference. We'll see what March has in store - "in like a lion"?