Sunday, August 31, 2008

The 10 Worst Job Tips Ever

I am considering looking for a new job myself, and this list was pretty useful. Check it out!

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How to: Live on $12,000 a Year

One of the tips: "Master the art of coupon clipping, but only save coupons for items you actually use." I just finished cutting my coupons from the Sunday paper! Good times!

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10 Truths About Frugal Living

This posting lists 10 general truths about frugal living from 5,000 reader comments. It's from a blog called FrugalDad, and he seems to have some great tips!

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Pay Off Debt And Save Money At The Same Time

The secret is having a weekly budget instead of a monthly budget.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

As Gas Prices Go Down, So Will Food, Right? No

As prices for crude oil and other commodities ease, Americans have gotten a small dose of relief at the gas pump. But don't expect less pain at the grocery counter.Food inflation is to stay — and will probably get worse for some things.That's because retail prices for cereal, eggs, cheese and meat generally lag by several months.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Printable Retail Coupons

This is a great list of coupons! There is no login required, and coupons are available for BestBuy, Sears, Circut City, Radio Shack, and Barnes & Noble. There are also several for guest passes at fitness centers.

For grocery coupons, try this link: Grocery Coupons

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90% of People Believe Personal Finance Should a Required Part of School

Seems like a fairly obvious thing to be teaching in school - and I remember having a few lessons on it, but it is probably true that there should be an expanded curriculum to help prepare teenagers for later in life. Any thoughts?

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Friday, August 1, 2008

88 Tips To Save Money

Many of the suggestions have been mentioned before, but it's always good to review and make sure you are looking at ways to save money in all areas. This list of 88 tips includes things you can look at with your personal finances, food, home, electronics, and other great ares.

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